What are Rehabilitation Processes in Brain Surgery?

     Diseases that occur due to accidents, trauma, tumors, and other congenital factors on the nervous system are treated within the scope of brain and nerve surgery. Treatment methods include surgeries, medications, chemotherapy methods, and rehabilitation processes. Among other applications, the rehabilitation process plays an important role for the patient. This process is necessary due to the fact that the nervous system can affect many functional areas, from thinking processes to movement processes. A patient who had a problem with a limb before treatment will need physical therapy and other rehabilitation applications to move that limb after treatment. All these processes are important indicators of why rehabilitation processes are included in brain surgery.


     So, what processes are expressed when we say rehabilitation processes? The following topics will explain the rehabilitation processes in brain surgery:

  • What is brain surgery?
  • What are the rehabilitation processes in brain surgery?

What is Brain Surgery?

     Brain and nerve surgery, which is a surgery that covers the systems within the brain and spine, is a surgery that makes intervention plans for traumatic brain injury cases. Traumatic brain injuries that occur during birth or that develop later are handled within this surgical scope. This surgery, which works with many organs and structures connected to the nervous system, forms a treatment plan in an interdisciplinary framework.


What are Rehabilitation Processes in Brain Surgery?

     Diseases that develop as a result of traumatic injury can lead to conditions such as inability to move, difficulty maintaining balance, sensory disturbances, or paralysis. Although these conditions are treated in the surgical operation, they can continue to affect the patient for a while. Neurological rehabilitation is an area where physical therapy specialists apply exercises, orthoses, and medical approaches to the patient in this context. These practices aim to prevent permanent damage caused by traumatic injury.


     You can follow the rehabilitation processes applied for diseases included in brain and nerve surgery with the following topics:


Paralysis rehabilitation

     Individuals may have difficulty performing daily routines as a result of paralysis that may occur in one part or all of the body due to damage in the nervous system. Rehabilitation processes developed in this context include developing applications that can provide movement and raising awareness of the patient’s close relatives.


Spinal cord rehabilitation

     Diseases that occur on the spinal cord, which directly affects the ability to move, can cause serious loss in the patient. In this context, physical therapy and rehabilitation practices are used in addition to other treatment plans.


Stroke rehabilitation

     Stroke, which occurs when blood and oxygen flow to the brain is suddenly reduced, is usually seen on one side of the body. Causes include neurological diseases, head trauma, or diseases in the brain vessels. To regain functionality for the patient, speech, swallowing, and bowel physical therapies are applied.


Facial paralysis (facial paresis) rehabilitation

     Facial paralysis, which can occur due to traumatic conditions, causes movement loss on the right or left side of the face. Due to the asymmetry that occurs on the face, one should directly consult a doctor and prepare a treatment plan with rehabilitation processes. The rehabilitation process is managed with massages, cold and hot applications and other exercises.


Parkinson rehabilitation

     Parkinson’s disease, which interferes with coordination between movements and cannot provide fluency, can be a factor in the patient’s ability to perform daily routines with rehabilitation processes. Therefore, physical therapy applications are included in the treatment plan of this disease.


Spina Bifida rehabilitation

     Spina bifida, a developmental disorder that occurs on the spinal cord, is a serious disease that negatively impacts the functions of the spinal cord. As a result of this disease, there may be loss of function, paralysis, and difficulty walking. The goal of rehabilitation is to minimize problems through the methods applied.


Polio sequel rehabilitation

     Polio sequel, which manifests itself with muscle pain and feverish complaints, is a disease known as infantile paralysis. This disease develops as a result of the effects of a virus called polio. Paralysis that occurs on some muscles can cause loss of movement. Rehabilitation practices are attempted to intervene in this situation.


Multiple Sclerosis (MS) rehabilitation

     Multiple Sclerosis (MS), which develops on the central nervous system, is a disease that can affect the functioning of the entire body. The rehabilitation process of this disease, which can affect visual, speech, and movement functions, aims to improve the quality of life by minimizing the effects by means of physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and counseling.

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